At the Redemptorist Center of Pattaya from 26/8 – 30/8/2024

Our Province Leadership Team envisions a transformative future for the province within a new governance structure, with thorough preparation of our human resources. To realize this vision, we organized a comprehensive five-day workshop led by our facilitator, Paula. This gathering brought together 24 leaders from three sectors, including the Province Leadership Team (PLT) and Sector Leadership Teams (SLTs), to engage collaboratively in a synodal journey. Through shared learning and dialogue, we aim to cultivate the skills and insights necessary to navigate the complexities of this transition and strengthen our collective leadership

On the first day, Sr. Rebecca, our Provincial, extended a heartfelt welcome to Paula and all participants from the three sectors. Her warm introduction set a positive tone for the workshop, allowing Paula to seamlessly step into her role as facilitator for the remainder of our time together

The workshop Goals were to be transformational leaders that create a Universal Culture of Justice in our contexts – spiritual leadership; Synodality and Universal Culture of Justice. With the clear goals, we spent time learning together through various activities in order for us to grow understanding of transformational leadership as a synodal practice, identify leadership patterns and behaviours in personal practice, explore how to create a Universal Culture of Justice in own leadership context, practice skills of participatory facilitation, dialogue and hosting of groups, and deepen skills of listening and awareness through the practice of Conversation in the Spirit.

We were invited to reflect on the three leadership styles (laissez-faire leadership, transactional leadership, and transformational leadership). It was very touching messages for everyone to reflect and aware of who we are in this journey. The deep sharing revealed that, as Asians, we are profoundly affected by the hierarchical culture, which presents significant challenges in achieving transformational leadership—leadership that inspires change and fosters innovation. However, the eagerness and vibrant energy of each individual, along with our collective spirit, demonstrate our readiness to embrace the call to explore unknown horizons.

Moreover, the Synodal Leadership messages from Dr. Jessie Rogers, Sr. Nathalie Becquart, and School of Synodality deeply touched all participants. We dedicated significant time to reflect on and practice facilitation, which allowed us to engage meaningfully with the material. Each group facilitator highlighted essential aspects for our transformation as we embark on the journey of forming a new local community. Key themes included strengthening collaboration, fostering trust, and embracing inclusivity.

The diverse facilitation sessions from each group showcased our collective creativity and commitment, and participants fully engaged in the various activities which enriched our learning experience. We left the session feeling inspired and hopeful, eager to apply these insights and practices to our own contexts. Our aim is to create a vibrant community that embodies the principles we explored, ensuring that our efforts resonate beyond this learning experience.

Reported by Sr. Margarita Do (2-9-2024)