Myanmar Sector Gathering ( August 20, 2024 to August 22, 2024)

As Good Shepherd Sisters from Myanmar, we are responding Calls to Action which was mentioned in the 31st Congregational Chapter Direction Statement. St Mary Euphrasia, our mother left her spiritual heritage for all the Good Shepherd Sisters and mission partners with the beautiful words of “Though old stars burn out and die, look to the new and even beyond”. With these words we are adopting the new governance structure in order to promote the mission more effectively; addressing the need for leadership among vowed members and promoting full engagement of partners-in-mission.

As we are in the process of restructuring, Myanmar Good Shepherd Sisters gathered together in Good Shepherd Convent, Latha Yangon from 20th August to 22nd August 2024. Gathering was facilitated by Sr Rebecca (Province Leader) and Myanmar SLT. Among 49 sisters, 37 sisters joined in the gathering and they brought new opinions and inspirations. Drawn by the spirit of St John Eudes and St Mary Euphrasia, we discerned together what are necessities and unnecessities ministries for Good Shepherd Myanmar. Trusting by the grace of transformation we are ready to plague to embrace the new that is emerging. Beside the discernment, we all were enjoying of being together, listened to one another, sharing laughter and tear, encouraging and embracing one’s brokenness with our hearts.

When we evaluate the gathering, we all felt oneness and one spirit as the daughters of St Mary Euphrasia. Despite the challenges and amidst the severe vulnerability, strong resilient and hope can be seen in each one of us. This is only because of God’s grace! As St.Paul testifys in his letter of 2nd Corinthians 12:9, “ My grace is sufficient for you”. We praised and thanks the Lord for all the graces and new inspirations in our hearts that we brought in the process of restructuring for Good Shepherd Myanmar.

Reported by

Sr.Geradine Aye Aye Aung RGS
